Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Born to be a Sinner

Born to be a Sinner


Born to be a sinner
though a search so hard and long.
To find a Saviour to correct me
And to help me write this song.
I strive each day to be better
And less sinful than before,
But I’ll always be a sinner
I can be nothing more.


Each day I I am content in trying
To have a perfect day.

But I am content in trying
To have a perfect day.
I truly have no helper
Other than the Creator Who caused me to be
Though I may always be a sinner
I will strive for eternity.


Born to be a sinner
though a search so hard and long.
To find a Saviour to correct me
And to help me write this song.
I strive each day to be better
And less sinful than before,
But I’ll always be a sinner
I can be nothing more.


Not perfect just forgiven
I make efforts every day,
To honour my Forgiver
And continue on my way.
I’m striving for perfection
Though it will always elude.
The benefits in trying
While growing in fortitude. 


Born to be a sinner
though a search so hard and long.
To find a Saviour to correct me
And to help me write this song.
I strive each day to be better
And less sinful than before,
But I’ll always be a sinner
I can be nothing more.


The righteous are sure to remind me
What a horrible sinner I am.
That may cause me to be discouraged
If I didn’t understand
That Jesus came to save sinners.
We are forgiven by the grace of God.
I am glad to be a sinner
Though that may seem kind of odd.


Born to be a sinner
though a search so hard and long.
To find a Saviour to correct me
And to help me write this song.
I strive each day to be better
And less sinful than before,
But I’ll always be a sinner
I can be nothing more.


If ever I should become righteous
I would lose the grace of the Lord.
This impossible feat of ego
Is more than I can afford.
I will always be a sinner
And though that will cause me shame
I will remember my Forgiver
And glorify His Name.


Born to be a sinner
though a search so hard and long.
To find a Saviour to correct me
And to help me write this song.
I strive each day to be better
And less sinful than before,
But I’ll always be a sinner
I can be nothing more.


With all his heart should the seeker avoid fellowship with evil doers, and pray for the remission of their sins. He should forgive the sinful, and never despise his low estate, for none knoweth what his own end shall be. How often hath a sinner, at the hour of death, attained to the essence of faith, and, quaffing the immortal draught, hath taken his flight unto the celestial Concourse. And how often hath a devout believer, at the hour of his soul's ascension, been so changed as to fall into the nethermost fire.

                (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 194, 195)

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